Thursday, February 28, 2008

What r we doin?

wow......seems like a simple question but what exactly we are doin with life? Some great man said "Life is a journey not the Destination"..... arent we making our journey much complicated and unpleasantful just by keeping the common Destination in mind while travelling? I said common destination for a reason....dont u think most of our lives are similar? we live in a grid that controls everything...u want to do most of the things in ur life because u c others doin it. I really doubt how many people have time these days to think out of the box. I used to think all the time......but the grid got me too. Lives are moulded in to distictive patterns which no one is being able to escape. We all do the same stuff every single day.....routine.....Mundane.....some say "what else u wanna do ? "

ok lets examine a simple life style

for most of the people i have seen this is a good life.... but the aspects like

where u wake up ( a million$ house or by road side)
what work (Rocket Scientist or Rikshaw Puller)
what kinda lunch( 100$ Buffet or 100 cent Burger)
which TV( 62" HDTV or neighbours TV)
what type of Bed( Custom made or carpet floor)

influence the desire to shift the path of the journey called Life. Doest it really matter? Arent these issues trivial compared to things that you are born to do? you only can do...... do u know the reason for your birth as a one in 6 billion Humans? may be its just not to lead the above mentioned routine life. We r born alone( even if u have a Twin)... but we always seem to do things just the way others do and want us to do.Do u think the Grid is inevitable? if its a matix then u r the neo for your own life.....

Take off some time of to think what we are made for..... dont say *NOTHIN*

image : Tree of Life by JenDelyth

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